The AKSVB from Strasbourg proposes Lion dance, dragon dance and kung fu demonstrations.
If you are interested in such demonstrations, please contact us to generate a quote adapted to your needs.
The demonstration team is especially busy in February for Chinese new year, but is available all year around to answer your requests. Travel to France, Germany, Luxembourg possible, depending on the projects and availability.
Please contact us for more informations.
Contact : Erwin Guet +33.676.170.397
Lion dance
We proposes 10-15 min dances, with 1 to 5 lions. Each lion is inhabited by two dancers, accompanied by 2 to 4 drum, cymbal and gong players. Space contraint is usually not an issue.
Dragon dance
This dance requires a large space, the dragon measures 18m long. The dragon is inhabited by 9 dancers, accompanied by 2 to 5 drum, cymbal and gong players.
Kung Fu
We proposes traditional and modern wushu kung fu demonstration.